The Tribunal expresses its deep sadness at the loss of Judge David Caron.
The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal is deeply saddened to announce the sudden demise of Judge David Caron who passed away on Tuesday 20 February 2018. Judge Caron had joined the Tribunal on 1 December 2015 after having been appointed by the United States of America. In the few years he served the Tribunal as a Member, he impressed his colleagues by his exceptional professional skills and impressive experience both as a scholar and international arbitrator, but above all by his persuasive human qualities giving evidence of his deeply-rooted moral qualities. Judge Caron, who was an engaged Member of the most distinguished domestic and international legal institutions and associations, also contributed as editor and writer to the most significant and authoritative journals of law. The IUSCT family has lost a highly cherished member and friend. David’s family welcome stories from friends and colleagues via email: [email protected]. These will soon be shared by way of a hub at Information about commemorative services will be available in due course.
۲۲ February 2018